The Mommy Makeover

Giving birth can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a woman’s life. Unfortunately, pregnancy and breast-feeding often result in unwanted changes in a woman’s body, such as sagging breasts, enlarged areolas, changes to the size of your waist, pockets of fat in the abdomen, stretch marks, and a sagging tummy that no amount of exercise and dieting seems to fix. The loose muscles and stretched skin improve somewhat over time, but the body never completely returns to the way it was before pregnancy, and time seems to amplify this.

Women were once resigned to live with these natural changes in their bodies . However now more and more women are seeking out plastic surgeons to rejuvenate their breasts and tummies to the youthful firmness they enjoyed before having children. These procedures are collectively called “mommy makeovers” or post-maternity breast and body reshaping. Restoring your youthful figure is obtainable and with the guidance of Doctors Hall and Wrye, it’s a process that we make easy for the patient, with spectacular results.

If you have questions about any skin care products you’re always welcomed to call the office of Doctors Hall and Wrye at 775-284-8296.