Thigh Lift Surgery

Many men and women who have excess sagging, dimpled or misshapen thighs undergo cosmetic reshaping via a procedure called a thigh lift (thighplasty). This treatment will help to tighten, tone and renew the thighs, improving one’s appearance and self-confidence while providing a better fit in pants, skirts and other thigh reviling clothing.

The modern thigh lift surgery now a day, aspires to create thighs that are in proportion to your buttocks, abs, and legs. The result of a thigh lift will form an hour-glass silhouette and your thighs should look even, providing more visibility to well-defined muscles.

A person can undergo body contouring procedure if he or she has a saggy and dimpled skin and tissues along their thighs. Unshapely thighs can be a result of the natural aging process as the skin loses elasticity, poor genes and significant weight loss can also be a factor. Regardless of the reason, if you are unhappy with the appearance of your thighs, a thigh lift may be the a terrific option for your needs.


A thigh lift procedure generally takes from 2-4 hours depending on the extent of the work performed by Drs. Hall and Wrye. Often times this surgery can be performed in conjunction to another procedure, including liposuction. The procedure takes place in an accredited outpatient surgical facility, equipped with highly trained medical staff accompanied by a top tier anesthesiologist and Drs. Hall and Wrye. Once the procedure begins, Drs. Hall and Wrye will excise or lift the skin, the quantity of fat and skin to be eliminated, re-shaped or tautened up. Depending on your desired outcome, an inner thigh lift focuses on tightening and smoothening the area from the inner knee up through the pelvis, while an outer lift will minimize hips, saddlebags and slim part of the buttocks.

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Our cosmetic surgery team is dedicated to providing our patients with safe, effective surgical and non-surgical treatments for all areas of the body. Our board-certified plastic surgeons and medical aesthetician focus on the relationship they build with each patient while helping them understand the procedure process.

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After the procedure, it is expected that a patient experiences bruising, swelling, and soreness on the affected area. However, the results will be immediately recognizable such as the smooth and tight contours of your thighs.

Each patient’s rate of healing will vary, many of Drs. Hall and Wrye’s patients recover swiftly, taking on average 4-6 weeks to fully recover.

Within 48 to 72 hours after the surgery, patients might feel some soreness and stiffness but after several days the patients will feel normal. To help ease the pain, Drs. Hall and Wrye may prescribe medications for you, which will be discussed during your pre-op appointment prior to your surgery.

To minimize the chances of having a serious blood clot on your leg, start walking slowly after the surgery.
During your follow up appointments, Drs. Hall and Wrye will discuss when you can resume your normal activities or start exercising, based on your recuperation from surgery. Resuming your normal activities would depend on the type of thigh lift procedure performed and your physical strength.

Some patients, who want to improve the look of their legs such as eliminating unwanted body hairs, opt for another cosmetic procedure. The most popular hair removal technique that gives longer and lasting effects is through laser hair removal.


Risks that are associated with thigh lift procedure are as follows:

  • Scarring
  • Continuous bleeding
  • Wound infection
  • Fluid buildup
  • Healing of the wound is slow
  • Loss of skin
  • Blood clots
  • Losing skin sensation or numbness
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Discoloration of the skin and/or swelling of the wound
  • Fat necrosis or the fatty tissue on your skin will not recover
  • Wound separation
  • Lop-sidedness
  • Pain is constant
  • Results are unsatisfactory
  • Profound vein thrombosis that might result to complications in the heart and/or lungs
  • Looseness of the skin is frequent
  • Skin irritation due to the sutures used
  • A second surgery might be needed to remedy complications.

Dr. Hall and Dr. Wrye are experts in thigh lift surgery located in Reno, Nevada, call us now for consultation 775-284-8296

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