Plasma Pen Treatment

The Plasma Pen Treatment reduces the signs of facial aging without invasive surgery. With The Plasma Pen Treatment, we target your most wrinkle-prone areas of the face to resurface and stimulate the skin resulting in a reduction of wrinkles in those regions. The Plasma Pen Treatment is very successful in improving skin laxity, texture, tone and acne scars.


What does The Plasma Pen Treatment do?

The Plasma Pen Treatment works to improve skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep skin firm and elastic. This treatment is also called fibroblast therapy, or “fibroblasting,” because it stimulates the fibroblast cells that make new collagen and elastin.


What is The Plasma Pen Treatment used for?

The Plasma Pen Treatment is an excellent alternative to surgery for targeting those delicate and sensitive areas such as fine lines around the eyes and lips. The most popular uses of The Plasma Pen Treatment includes the areas around the eyes consisting of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids and crow’s feet.   The Plasma Pen Treatment is also very successful with minimizing lines around the mouth called nasolabial folds.


How does The Plasma Pen Treatment work?

The Plasma Pen Treatment is highly controlled and targeted to a specific treatment area. This hand-held, pen-like device is held above the skin’s surface during treatment and never comes into contact with the skin. Rather, it works by emitting plasma energy, creating a micro-injury in the top layer of skin as well as heating up the dermis, where it causes collagen fibers to contract.

The plasma energy treatment creates tiny, superficial brown carbon crusts (dots) in the skin, which typically last three to five days before falling off naturally. These controlled microinjuries promote a long-term firming, tightening and smoothing through the skin’s own natural healing response.


What Skin Tone works best for The Plasma Pen Treatment

Skin tones 1-3 on the Fitzpatrick scale will see the best results of The Plasma Pen Treatment.  We don’t recommend this service for skin tones darker than a 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale.  Call Hall and Wrye to find out if you are a good candidate.


When will I see the benefits of The Plasma Pen Treatment?

The Plasma Pen Treatment creates controlled micro-injuries to the skin, which results in some immediate firming. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural wound healing response, triggering the growth of new collagen and elastin in the weeks and months following treatment. Treated skin will continue to gradually improve over three to six months.


What are the side effects of The Plasma Pen Treatment?

The Plasma Pen Treatment has low risk of side effects and minimal downtime when compared to more invasive surgical options.




Your Plasma Pen Treatment Day 1-3


  • Apply Factor Five serum twice per day – morning and evening.
  • Do not apply any topical products including cleanser or moisturizer besides Factor Five.


  • The treatment area will be red, tender and hot. Swelling is normal and expected.
  • Treatment in the eye area can expect moderate to excessive swelling.
  • Superficial red dots (carbon crusts) form.


  • Avoid sun, steam, saunas, excessive heat, exercise, or heavy sweating.
  • Do not apply cold or ice packs.
  • Do not wear makeup
  • For face areas – sleep with head elevated to minimize swelling.
  • Cleanse only with lukewarm water and gently pat dry with a clean, soft cloth
  • Avoid shower or hair products running onto your face as this could cause irritation and inflammation. If this occurs, rinse thoroughly with tepid water in the treated area(s) and gently pat dry.
  • Do not rub or abrade the treated area.
  • If your treatment was in the eye area, we recommend not to wear contact lenses for 72 hours post-treatment


Your Plasma Pen Treatment Day 4-7


  • Continue Factor Five serum twice per day – morning and evening.
  • Avoid applying any topical products besides Factor Five until the dots fall off.


  • It is normal for the area to feel tight, dry and itchy. Shedding of the dots will happen day 3-7.
  • Once the dots have fallen off, there will be light pink new skin and swelling resolves.
  • Pinkness typically fades in 2 weeks up to 6 months.


  • Avoid the sun, wear a hat ensure daily use of SPF 40+ even when staying indoors.
  • Do not pick, rub or scratch. Remember that the shedding of dots should be a natural occurrence.
  • No facials, Botox, fillers, exfoliation or chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser or microneedling in the area for 4-7 weeks until the skin is fully healed.
  • Use post care HQ Lighten Cream to prevent pigmentation.
  • Consider taking 2000 mg Vitamin C to boost your immune system
  • Avoid shaving in the treated area until it is fully healed.


Your Plasma Pen Treatment Day 7-90


  • Continue Factor Five serum twice per day – morning and evening.
  • Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers
  • One the carbon crusts (dots) have fallen off, it is okay to wear makeup.


  • Treated area of the new skin may have some residual pink or red coloring at 30-90 days and will be more sensitive to products and sun. Pinkness and skin color will continue to normalize over 90 days but may take up to 6 months to fade.
  • Sunspots may darken before ultimately lightening.


  • Treat the area gently and do not apply any aggressive products such as exfoliants or acids.
  • Continue to avoid sun as well as saunas and tanning beds for 12 weeks.
  • Wear a hat and ensure daily SPF 40+ even when staying indoors.
  • Once the skin as fully healed, you may resume normal skin routine. Contact Hall and Wrye for ongoing consultation, follow up treatment and products.

Aftercare is extremely important to achieve the desired results.  The skin is essentially new skin and should be treated like an infant in the sun. Sunscreen is extremely important during the healing process.  When the carbon crusts have fallen off, patients must be using sunscreen and re-applying every 2 hours.  The healing process is the crux of this treatment’s efficiency.  Therefore, it is crucial to be following appropriate aftercare regimen.  Steer clear of any products that have not been approved by your aesthetician, as even the most seemingly benign ingredients – active or inactive – could irritate the skin and after results.

Ask your Hall and Wrye representative about the following service enhancing products: Alastin Nectar

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